We are constantly exposed to destructive EMF waves, toxins, mold, heavy metals and many other bodily disrupters. Dis-ease and aging occur when the cellular energy depreciates to low levels. The Energy Enhancement System (EES) provides a super-charged energy field to renew and restore cell voltage to an optimal state of 70-90 millivolts. This is the ideal frequency both for the body to respond with its own innate wisdom, recalibrating homeostasis, and initiating self-healing.
The EESystem technology provides an environment consisting of multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves to enhance and improve performance, health and psychological well-being. As the energy surrounds you, it recharges cells, increasing cell frequency, which, in turn, initiates detoxification of the cells. With the combination of mind, body, spirit and science, EES has proven to generate vast improvements in the immune system, provide relief from pain, elevate mood, increase cellular energy and more.